Articles in the Featured Category
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![Scary Computer Stories](
Once, girls were girls and men were men; you knew who you were then. And you knew who the bad guys and the good guys were; the viruses the former, and the virus-fighting programs the latter. No more, though. Nowadays, the very programs you were counting on to fight viruses might be nothing more than viruses themselves!
Time to learn a new word. You’ve heard of malware, spyware, and virusware? Now welcome to the world of “scareware,” the fastest-growing segment of the rogue software population out there. Disguising itself as a …
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![Lower Your Cellphone Bill, Part 2](
Not too long ago, “sending someone a short message” entailed writing a note and sticking it on the refrigerator door – and all it cost you to send was the time to jot down a couple of sentences on a piece of scrap paper. Nowadays, of course, no respectable note-writer would bother with pen and paper; instead, they would send an e-mail, or, better, a short phone message, using their cellphone’s SMS feature. SMS, of course, has a great advantage over the old system, in that you don’t have to …
Featured, Fun, Gadgets, Headline, Israel, tech101 »
![Lower Your Cellphone Bill, Part 1](
D’ja ever notice that somehow, some way, no matter what you do, you always end up spending more on your cell phone bills than you expect to? No, this is not the opening to a Seinfeld routine (although I bet he has one on the subject!). But it’s a situation we’ve all become familiar with: The cell phone companies present us with “plans” that include free minutes, free chat, free internet – free! – but we somehow end up paying the same, or more, with each subsequent plan!
How could this …
Featured, Headline, Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column, Web, tech101 »
![Healthful Computing](
Computers have been accused of causing all sorts of health problems – from obesity to lower back pain, from neck pain to carpal tunnel syndrome. Considering the maladies associated with computers, it’s amazing the government hasn’t put warning stickers on them yet!
But as it turns out, your computer can help you with your well-being – if used properly, that is. There are many web sites and online services you can use to keep yourself in tip-top shape – helping you to diet, reduce pain, get information on treatments, and even …
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![The ‘iPod People’](
So you got a new music player for Chanuka? Welcome to the ranks of the “(i)Pod people” – those who get to have the soundtrack of their lives accompany them anywhere and everywhere. Finally, you get to be one of those unflappable people who never have to lack for entertainment, no matter where they are or what they’re doing.
There’s one thing they forgot to tell you about digital music players, though – where to get the music to fill it up with! It turns out that getting your favorite music …