Articles in the Headline Category
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![All About Betsy](
Answer this question with the first response that pops into your head. Which is cheaper: Buying a new car or keeping an old one in good shape?
A question I have often asked myself every time I embarked on a journey with the Ol’ Betsy of chez Newzgeek, which happens to be a Mitsubishi Space Wagon that, in human years, would be eligible for a retiree’s pension by now. Anybody who’s principal vehicle is a personal vehicle (as opposed to a “company car”) knows the dilemma. Every time you undergo a …
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![Politically Correct on your PC](
It’s been said that “a young man who isn’t a socialist hasn’t got a heart; an old man who is a socialist hasn’t got a head.” Well, maybe that worked back in the 1920’s, when Lloyd George (who said it) was Prime Minister of the Empire. Things have changed, though – nowadays it’s hard to pin down and pigeonhole conservatives and liberals, as well as capitalists and socialists. For example: Who spent more during their eight years as president, Republican (conservative?) George W. Bush or Democrat (liberal?) Bill Clinton? For …
Fun, Headline, Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column, Web »
![Bored Games](
Conversation on typical summer day at home:
(Parent to kid:) Beach? (kid to Parent:) Not again! (P to K:) Pool? (K to P:) Been there, done that. (P to K:) Mall? (K to P:) But we’ve seen all the movies already!
Well, it was a good try. Looks like another day of TV watching and web surfing. Can’t something be done about eliminating August from the calendar – anything to get school to start sooner? The kids may waste just as much time in school as they do at home, but at …
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There are lots of people out there with great ideas and opinions. But there are also lots of – forgive the term – “whack jobs.” It’s no secret – just check out the talkback section on many on-line articles, especially those with controversial content. Many comments are direct and to the point, but with some of these writers (you know the ones I mean!), it’s often hard to believe that we’re all living in the same country. I sometimes wonder if we’re on the same planet!
I know that many of …