Articles in the Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column Category
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![The Fix is In – or Isn’t](
Making aliyah is exciting for every member of the family. The new home, the Jewish environment, the Shabbat atmosphere, learning Hebrew – it’s a time of excitement for parents and kids alike.
But there’s one member of the family who may be less than thrilled – your laptop. That’s because it knows that if anything goes wrong, it may have trouble getting itself fixed in a land where “international warranty” doesn’t always translate properly.
Over the years, I’ve gotten emails from readers on all sorts of topics, but one of the most …
Gadgets, Headline, Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column, tech101 »
![Your Music – Loud and Proud](
There’s a whole new raft of iPods out there, smaller, prettier, and sharper sounding than ever. On the other hand, there’s a small, nascent backlash out there against iPods, and Apple products in general. Recently, for the first time, Sony Walkman devices outsold iPods in Japan, and internet chatter against Apple seems to be at an all-time high. And then there’s, which purports to be a rallying point for the anti-iPod crowd.
But whether you use an iPod or a “Brand X” device to listen to music – or just …
Featured, Gadgets, Headline, Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column, tech101 »
![Let the Music Play](
With the announcement of the latest round of iPods by Apple, music listening has again become the in thing. With touch screens and no buttons, a built in FM-tuner, better battery life and a slew of other features, the new iPods have generated a lot of excitement. There were a couple of other small announcements too – such as the one about Apple TV, an easier and cheaper way to stream video from a computer to a TV set, and AirPlay, an easier way to stream music to speakers around …
Fun, Gadgets, Headline, Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column, Web »
![Sleeping Like a Baby](
There’s a conspiracy afoot – to keep us awake! TV, iPods, the barrage of e-mail, cell phone calls and messaging – they’ve all got “important messages” for us, information we can’t do without. Or so we believe. Either way, most of us can’t sleep knowing that there’s something we need to know, but don’t. Hence the late nights spent reading messages, looking at web sites, and checking out cute cat videos on Youtube that our friends tell us are “the funniest” things they ever saw. The result? We chuckle at …
Gadgets, Headline, Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column, tech101 »
![Little Lost Laptop](
There are pluses and minuses to being able to take all your work with you – from the office to your home, or even on vacation; you get more work done, but your work, it seems, is never done!
You see laptops everywhere these days – at coffee shops, on trains and planes, and even in the park. Unfortunately, though, thieves see them too – and as a result, a laptop is lost or stolen in the U.S. about every 10 seconds!
Losing a laptop can be traumatic – all that work, …