Articles in the Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column Category
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![Organization, Cellphone Style](
It’s a busy world, and all of us, bar none, have busy lives. So, we’re looking to cut time spent on errands wherever possible. When we’re able to save a few minutes a day on one of the myriad tasks we’re faced with, we feel as if we’ve really accomplished something. That’s how busy we are today!
One of the must-have skills for busy people is being organized – knowing what you have to do, when it’s got to get done, and planning how you’re going to do it. Throw a …
Headline, Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column, Web »
![Search for Tomorrow](
Google just isn’t doing it for me anymore. Am I the only one out there who’s noticed? I don’t think so!
Like everyone else in the world, I’ve traded in the web search engine(s) I used to use for Google – to the extent that it’s now pretty much the only search engine we use (to the extent that it seems as if the “old” engines, like Altavista, are no longer there – but they are). And the reason everyone dropped their former search engines in favor of Google is because …
Downloads, Featured, Fun, Headline, Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column, Web »
![All About Betsy](
Answer this question with the first response that pops into your head. Which is cheaper: Buying a new car or keeping an old one in good shape?
A question I have often asked myself every time I embarked on a journey with the Ol’ Betsy of chez Newzgeek, which happens to be a Mitsubishi Space Wagon that, in human years, would be eligible for a retiree’s pension by now. Anybody who’s principal vehicle is a personal vehicle (as opposed to a “company car”) knows the dilemma. Every time you undergo a …
Israel, Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column, Jewish »
![The Day They Burned the Books](
The 9th day of Av, known as the fast of Tisha B’av, has been, historically, a bad day for the Jews. Tisha B’Av is, of course a sad day because it commemorates the destruction of not one,but two Holy Temples, and presaged our loss of national independence and descent into exile.
Tisha B’av got its bad rep way back when the Jews cried over the evil report of the spies who had gone to the Land of Israel for undercover espionage work. Ever since then, the day has been appointed …
Fun, Headline, Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column, Web »
![Bored Games](
Conversation on typical summer day at home:
(Parent to kid:) Beach? (kid to Parent:) Not again! (P to K:) Pool? (K to P:) Been there, done that. (P to K:) Mall? (K to P:) But we’ve seen all the movies already!
Well, it was a good try. Looks like another day of TV watching and web surfing. Can’t something be done about eliminating August from the calendar – anything to get school to start sooner? The kids may waste just as much time in school as they do at home, but at …