Articles in the Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column Category
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![The Lazy (Wo)Man’s Way to Blog](
Regardless of what your mother said, we all believe we have to be doing a thing everybody else is doing. Moms don’t really get peer pressure; when she calls you out on something and you tell her that “everybody’s” doing it, she, of course, throws this snappy comeback at you: “And if everybody jumps off the top of building, should you do that too?” Gotcha!
Regardless, though, “everybody’s doing it” is hard for many of us to argue with. If everybody’s involved in something, there must be something to it! Of …
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![Your Digital Newsstand](
Milk in a bag? Okay, we learned how to handle that. Chocolate on bread? Yeah, we grok that, even though it seems strange. And the same goes for all the rest of the cultural shocks folks that move to these parts experience; slowly but surely, the changes become “normal.” Except for Newsweek. The organizations that help new olim prepare them well for life in Israel. But somehow, olim who read Newsweek (or Time) in the U.S. get a real shock when they pick up a copy of the …
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![The World’s Lightest Modu-lar Phone](
If you’re in the market for a new phone, don’t buy anything – yet. Try to hold out with your old phone for a couple of months or so; super-glue the pieces of your old phone that are falling apart, or something. Trust me, it’ll be worth it. Why? Because in a couple of months you’ll be able to get your Modu, the super-cool “modular” cellphone that will be the newest, coolest phone you ever had – guaranteed to make even iPhone owners jealous! Cellphones have long …
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![Time Lords](
Where does the time go? Heavy question, that one is. I suppose only someone like Dr. Who would be able to give us a satisfactory answer, since he seems to have a knack for time travel ( But he’s kind of hard to get hold of, gallivanting around the space/time continuum as he does. But for the rest of us mere mortals who aren’t able to control time – the universe’s, or our own – time has a nasty of habit of slipping away. It’s only when much of …
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![Internet Weather Report](
The pundits tell us that the future of computing is bright and sunny – but in reality, the weather isn’t as clear as they would have you believe. In fact, it’s downright cloudy – and that’s a good thing!? Nowadays, the internet buzz is all about the clouds. There’s “cloud computing,” which will put all your favorite applications and/or services on the internet, while you log in and access them on a remote server from your home or office. And there’s the “tag cloud,” a visual representation of the “weight” …