The College of Web Knowledge
Sweden - home of Ikea. And free university education!
Unbelievable, but true; You can get a free bachelor's or master's degree from any Swedish university. You don't have to be a Swedish or even a European Union citizen - all you have to do is apply, get accepted - and start learning!
On-line education is, of course, ideal for people who either can't get to a classroom, want to study in their native language, and can't take time off from work or family to go hang out on campus - to them, Animal House will always just be a movie, not a guidebook of what to expect at a "party school."
All you have to do is show up and take the test - and with all the university extension programs in this country, it's likely that you'd be able to set up a local test-taking appointment if you needed to. CLEPs are not free, but using them to get a degree, or even just course credit, will save you big over "regular" tuition - in time and money.
What about textbooks? Glad you asked! As all of us who have kids in school know, the textbook scandal - where you have to buy new "editions" of books every year, even if 98% of it hasn't changed. I mean, how is it that there are "new" editions of textbooks of the history of the Roman empire each year, a required replacement for all courses teaching the subject? Think about it!
While many textbooks are mandated by whatever authority is in charge of the educational system in your locality, there often is some leeway in what specific texts are assigned - and if the teacher you are working with is forward-thinking, you might be able to convince him/her to assign a freely or cheaply accessible textbook. Even if you are stuck buying a book, there's no rule that says you can't beef up on your knowledge with non-standard texts.