Gmail to the Rescue
It' been a long night. Really long. But your presentation is ready. After hours of coding and programming, your super snazzy Powerpoint/Web/Digital Video presentation is good to go. And, it's a work of art, if you do say so yourself - the big account is all but yours!
Time for a little shut-eye, you think to yourself before falling dead asleep on the sofa. Next thing you know, the sun's shining right in your eyes. Morning already! You take care of your morning routine, get dressed for the office, and are about to walk out the door. But wait! The presentation! You need to get it off your home PC and onto your office computer!
Good thing you remembered now, with five minutes to catch the bus/train/ride to work. But then you realize, five minutes just aren't going to do it. Floppy disks won't hold this 50 megabyte behemoth; you're fresh out of blank CDs, so burning a disc is out of the question (and don't those things scratch easily anyway?) And your whole ISP account mailbox is a paltry 10 megabytes altogether!
If only you had been a little more social - a little more, well, friendly! Then someone would have invited you to join Gmail, the Google Web mail service - and you could have easily transferred your work from home to office, or anywhere else, using a very cool Gmail add-on called Gmail Drive Space!
Gmail is a fantastic service - although you have to wonder how a company that doesn't charge anything for any of its manifold services can afford to buy enough storage space for tens of millions of people and turn a profit. But that's their problem, not ours; like the old Yiddish saying goes, "if they're giving, take!"
Once you have a Gmail account, moving big files around the Net is no longer a problem; all you have to do is send yourself a Gmail e-mail with your file attached from your home PC, and log onto your Gmail account when you get to the office.