Had a hard day? Boss driving you too hard? Teachers and homework getting on your nerves? Well, relax: Life’s nothing but a game! And to prove it, there’s Pictogame, where you’re the star in a game of fun, excitement, thrills and chills!
The idea of Pictogame is to let you have a little fun with your digital photos, by creating a game which sticks an image you upload into one of over 30 games. “Creating” is actually an overly ambitious description of what you do at at Pictogame, because the …
In this age of e-mail, SMSing, and who knows what other communication wonder they’ll come up with next, there are still people who use the “regular” – also known as “snail” – mail. Are these people Luddites, or what? And we’re not talking about an insignificant tribe. Judging by the traffic on my local e-mail community list, “can anyone take a letter to the States for me” ranks just behind “Looking for a lift to X” on the hit parade of favors people are always seeking. Maybe it’s …
It’s just a bit after Tisha B’av, and as always at this time of year, our collective mind is filled with thoughts of the past – and how that past got us to the present we find ourselves in. Unfortunately, whether it’s because of Holocaust, Inquisition, Cossack rioting, or one of the other myriad tortures imposed on the Jewish people, our present is often about change – of residence, legacy, family history, and even surname.
In many instances, those changes have been so severe as to break the fragile …
Being a newzgeek can be rough; everybody thinks I know everything there is to know about what is wrong with their PC. Well, they’re right: I DO know everything there is to know about the subject. The problem is trying to figure out exactly what needs fizing. If I had a shekel for every phone call I get, where somebody tells me “I have this thing on my screen – how do I get rid of it?” What thing? Where on the screen? Which program are they using? It takes …
Buy low, sell high – that’s the way you do in on Wall Street, if you want to make money. If that’s the case, then stocks muse be going like hotcakes! They can’t go much lower, can they? That. of course, is the trillion dollar question – and lots of people believe that things could go from bad (now) to worse (later).
What’s a potential investor to do? Of course, you could leave your money in the nice, safe bank, but where’s the fun in that? What you need …