Articles tagged with: Health
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![Bugged About Weigh Loss? Read This:](
With all the hi-tech help out there for people who need to lose weight, it’s amazing how high the obesity rate is in “the lands of plenty.” That phenomenon has not passed by our little homeland; now that Israel is a member of the OECD, we, too have “grown,” and a recent OECD poll says that Israel is the eighth “fattest” country in the world, by percentage of population! I guess if you start your day off with an Israeli breakfast (you know the kind I mean), move on to …
Featured, Fun, Gadgets, Headline, Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column, Web »
![Losing Weight, the Hi-Tech Way](
There seems to be little separating the fat from the fit – just a letter. And they’re both vowels! If only the gap between the two in real life were as easy to bridge as it is in the alphabet! But, sadly, flipping that vowel takes a bit of work – work that many of us just aren’t up to. Especially now, during the winter, when our ancient hoarding tendencies come to the fore, and we eat more.
If you want to get rid of that winter “spare tire,” there’s plenty …
Fun, Gadgets, Headline, Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column, Web »
![Sleeping Like a Baby](
There’s a conspiracy afoot – to keep us awake! TV, iPods, the barrage of e-mail, cell phone calls and messaging – they’ve all got “important messages” for us, information we can’t do without. Or so we believe. Either way, most of us can’t sleep knowing that there’s something we need to know, but don’t. Hence the late nights spent reading messages, looking at web sites, and checking out cute cat videos on Youtube that our friends tell us are “the funniest” things they ever saw. The result? We chuckle at …
Featured, Headline, Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column, Web, tech101 »
![Healthful Computing](
Computers have been accused of causing all sorts of health problems – from obesity to lower back pain, from neck pain to carpal tunnel syndrome. Considering the maladies associated with computers, it’s amazing the government hasn’t put warning stickers on them yet!
But as it turns out, your computer can help you with your well-being – if used properly, that is. There are many web sites and online services you can use to keep yourself in tip-top shape – helping you to diet, reduce pain, get information on treatments, and even …
Jerusalem Post Upfront Magazine Desktop Column »
![In Time of Need](
It may be February, but summer will be here soon enough. And you know what that means: Vacation time! And while most folks will try to get away for awhile to locations near or far, there are always going to be an unfortunate few who “get” to see the inside of a place they would rather not have to tour – the hospital! It’s always the furthest thing from most peoples’ minds, especially for those in good health. Nobody wants to think of themselves as an accident victim, …